Welcome to our web-site What we do: We are a Ladies fashion agency, supplying on a wholesale basis independent Boutiques in the UK & Ireland with high quality designer labels from France. We show our collections twice yearly for Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter respectively to the trade only.
As fashion agents, we do not sell any goods directly to the public but we can put you in touch with your nearest retailer for any of our brands. Finding your way: Simply click on the headings on the left of the slide-show just above to navigate through the web-site. Access to look-books, price lists and other professional information is reserved to retailers. It requires access codes and is located in 'Restricted information' on the footer of this page in the Member Area section. The same restrictions apply if you wish to place an order online from one or more of our collections. If your are a business and wish to access this information, you can request your access codes via our contact form here Our B2B e-commerce system is provided by b2blnl.com Latest Content added: